Tag Archives: weekly timesheet

3 Relatable Use Cases For Copying Your Weekly Timesheet


We recently launched a new feature that allows you to copy all, or part, of your weekly timesheet from one week to another. It’s based on feedback from numerous customers who reached out to us and shared how such a feature would make their day to day time tracking efforts more efficient and less painful. […]

A Project Focused Weekly Timesheet Template


The weekly timesheet has long been a staple of any company that bills hourly or otherwise needs to keep track of their time. Many professional services companies, for example, rely on weekly timesheets for client billing, while others will use them to pay employees. And, those companies that do neither will often times use weekly […]

5 Helpful Weekly Timesheet Visualizations


The weekly timesheet is the most drab, over-templatized productivity tool that’s ever been utilized in the history of the business world. We’ve tried to keep it fresh by reincarnating it every few generations — from paper timesheets, Excel spreadsheets, and desktop widgets, to its latest incarnation as online time tracking software. Despite weekly timesheets being […]

New Feature: Add Time for the Entire Week


Intervals has always had a feature that enabled people to enter multiple time entries at once. However, it required a lot of clicks and was tedious when adding time for the entire week. Based on recent customer feedback, we decided to reimagine this feature. The new page for adding multiple time entries for the entire […]

Weekly Timesheets vs. Daily Timers


There are two popular ways to track time online. The more traditional approach is to fill out a weekly timesheet. The more recent and more popular approach is to track time using timers, applying your recorded time on a daily basis. Both methods have their pros and cons, but when it comes to our own […]