Intervals API Resource: document

The base URL for this resource is located at

Documents can belong to projects, tasks, milestones or work requests.


Allowed HTTP Methods
MethodGroup Access
GETAdministrator, Manager, Resource, Executive
Allowed Filters
Filter NameRequired?ExpectsDefaultDescription
public no boolean Limits the list to only documents visible to executive-level users.
taskid no integer1 Limits the list to documents that are part of the task having the ID passed.
milestoneid no integer1 Limits the list to documents that are part of the milestone having the ID passed, either belonging to the milestone itself or belonging to a task that is part of that milestone.
queueid no integer1 Limits the list to documents that are part of the work request having the ID passed.
clientid no integer1 Limits the list to documents belonging to the client with the ID passed; belonging to projects, tasks or milestones that are part of that client.
projectid no integer1 Limits the list to documents belonging to the project with the ID passed, either belonging to the project itself or belonging to tasks or milestones that are part of that project.
moduleid no integer1 Limits the list to documents belonging to tasks that have the module with the ID passed.
personid no integer1 Limits the list to documents originally uploaded by the person with the ID passed.
search no string Limits the list to documents that match the search string.. Searches title, notes, filename and tags.
projectactive no boolean Limits the list to documents belonging to either active or inactive projects.
taskassignedorownedby no integer Excludes task documents in which the person with the ID passed is not a task assignee, owner or follower.
tag no string Limits the list to documents tagged with the tag passed.
datebegin no date Limits the list to documents uploaded on or after the date passed.
dateend no date Limits the list to documents uploaded on or before the date passed.
sortfield no string Sort the list by any of the following fields: id, personid, title, public, datemodified, active, projectlabelid, projectlabel (sorted by project labels alphabeticaly), and projectabel_order (sorted by project label order in Settings & Defaults).
sortdir no string Sets the sort direction of the returned list. Must be either "ASC" or "DESC".
offset no integer Return documents starting from the nth document.
limit no integer 10 Sets a limit to the amount of documents returned in the response.
id no integer A workaround to requesting the member resource, as the collection resource is much more detailed.

1 Indicates that multiple values are allowed, in CSV format (e.g. "3,5,11,19").
2 This field accepts HTML, but certain HTML elements may be stripped out.


To retrieve the entire list of this resource:

GET /document/

To filter the list based on certain parameters:

GET /document/?taskassignedorownedby={value}

Note: You can string together multiple filters.


Allowed HTTP Methods
MethodGroup Access
GETAdministrator, Manager, Resource, Executive
Settable Fields for PUT and POST Requests
Field NameRequired?ExpectsDefaultDescription
personid yes integer
title yes string (255)
notes no string
public no boolean
active no boolean

string (xxx) indicates a string with a maximum length of xxx characters.


To retrieve one member resource:

GET /document/{id}/

Assuming no errors, the server will respond with 200 OK and the object requested.

Special Functions


Allows you to download the most recent version of this document.

GET /document/{id}/download/

Parameters: None.

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