Intervals API Authentication

The Intervals API uses token-based authentication. Every Intervals user has a unique 11-character alphanumeric token that looks something like this: MYAPITOKEN. Each person must manually enable his or her API authorization token by going to the My Account -> API Access under the Options tab. There, they will be able to view, generate, revoke, and regenerate their token. Users cannot view other users' tokens, and this information is not accessible through the API.

Making Authenticated API Requests

Once the user has given you his or her API authentication token, make your request in the same format as HTTP Basic Auth. This user token will serve as the username to gain secure API access (the password can be filled with an arbitrary string like "X"). An example is below.

Assume your user token is MYAPITOKEN and your arbitrary password string is X. The combined string would be MYAPITOKEN:X (base64 encoded as TVlBUElUT0tFTjpY for the Authorization header). To get a timer list, your request would look something like this:

GET /timer/ HTTP/1.0
Accept: application/xml
Authorization: Basic TVlBUElUT0tFTjpY

Or using cURL:

curl -H 'Accept: application/json' -u MYAPITOKEN:X

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