Why is there a charge from Pelagoservices.com on my credit card?
Why am I being charged?
Pelago is a software development company based in Santa Barbara, CA and has been in business since 2000. Pelago is the creator of Intervals, a cloud-based task, time and project management service that is used by small businesses all over the globe.
If you have a charge from pelagoservices.com on your credit card statement it is for a subscription to Intervals.
Don't recognize the name Pelago or Intervals?
Since Intervals is hosted software that allows personalization some people refer to Intervals differently than the brand name (Time Task, Intervals Online, My Intervals, etc.). Pelago is the company behind Intervals. If this still doesn't sound familiar you may want to inquire about the charge at your office. It is possible that someone else at your company signed up for Intervals.
Can I see an invoice for these charges?
If you are using Intervals an email is sent out monthly to the Intervals account owner each time the card is charged. If you have administrator level access to your Intervals account, you can login and view all past invoices by browsing to Options ⇒ Plan Info ⇒ Billing history.
Can I get a refund?
Charges are non-refundable, however, once you've cancelled your account you will not be charged again. The Intervals subscription is month-to-month and we maintain an easy-come-easy-go cancellation policy.
How do I cancel my Intervals account?
You can cancel your Intervals account at any time. To do so, log into your Intervals account, browse to the Plan Info page and click on the Cancel Service link in the left column. Please be sure to export your data before you cancel in case you need it in the future. More information about cancelling is available here on our help site if needed.
Not sure how to log into your Intervals account?
Need more information about Pelago or Intervals?
Intervals (www.myintervals.com)
Pelago (www.pelagodesign.com)
Who uses Intervals?
Web designers, consultants, IT shops, public relations firms, marketing departments, software developers, and creative agencies — they all use Intervals to overcome common challenges.
Intervals helps teams and small businesses deliver their projects on time and under budget, all while juggling tasks, tracking time, and billing clients.
Great Teams Trust Intervals
Still have questions?
Email us at support@myintervals.com