Convert Time Between Hours, Minutes and Decimal

Decimal hours are commonly used by time tracking software to enter and display time. Use the calculators below to instantly convert time entered in hours and minutes to a decimal. Or, convert decimal time to hours and minutes.

Hours and Minutes to Decimal Time Calculator

Decimal Time to Hours and Minutes Calculator

How does it work?

Converting time between hours and minutes and decimal time uses simple math. Here’s it’ calculated:

How to convert hours and minutes to decimal time

Let’s convert 3 hours and 45 minutes to decimal time.

  1. Divide the minutes by 60:
    45 minutes ÷ 60 = .75
  2. Add the hours to the result of the first step:
    3 hours + .75 = 3.75
  3. The result is the decimal time:
    3.75 hours

How to convert decimal time to hours and minutes

Let’s convert 3.75 decimal hours back into hours and minutes.

  1. Separate the whole number from the decimal:
    3.75 hours = 3 and .75
  2. Multiply the decimal by 60:
    .75 × 60 = 45
  3. The whole number from step 1 and result from step 2 are the hours and minutes respectively:
    3 hours and 45 minutes

Why does time tracking software use decimal hours to display time?

There are a number of reasons why time tracking software uses decimal hours to display time. Here are three of the most common:

  1. Keep things simple.
    Decimal time is like using the same ruler for every measurement. Whether you’re checking your weekly hours, sending out an invoice, or analyzing project data, everything is easy to compare and understand.
  2. Make billing a breeze.
    If you bill by the hour, decimal time is your new best friend. Calculating what to charge is quick and simple, and your clients will appreciate clear, easy-to-read invoices.
  3. Get a quick overview.
    Want to see how your week is shaping up? Decimal time lets you scan your timesheet in seconds and understand where your time is going.
  4. Avoid the math headache.
    Decimal time is like having a built-in calculator. No more converting hours and minutes back and forth, which means less room for errors.
  5. Streamline your workflow.
    From tracking time to generating reports, decimal time makes everything smoother. It’s like having a helpful assistant that handles the numbers for you.

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