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We have several open ended tasks, which basically are running all the time, that we need to add time to on a regular basis (such as update/maintain Intervals - always interesting to see how much time goes into that).
As these tasks don't have an end date, and have a start date way in the past, they don't appear in the weekly/monthly view, so we always have to search for them or hope they are still on our recent tasks list, or pick them out from the tasks with no due date list at the bottom of the homepage.
Is there a way to mark a task as being a favourite, or sticky ... or something similar which would mean it always appears somewhere on the home page.
Ideally, i would like to be able to customise the categories of task that are displayed at the bottom of the home page (where currently we see "overdue tasks", "overdue milestones") and add custom collections such as "favorite tasks" or "admin tasks".
Is anything like this possible at the moment?
It's not possible at this time to mark tasks as favorite, or sticky. There are workarounds for this, such as adding the link to the task in the My Scratch pad in the header, giving the task a code in the title so it appears more easily within searches, or even just bookmarking a browser tab into it. We will add it to our list of possible features to consider.
Many thanks for the suggestions. Saved filters get very close to what I was looking for - in combination with the suggestion of adding a code or tag to the comments of the tasks I am interested in, which I search for in the saved filter. I have set up a couple of filters.
A couple of enhancements would make this work very well:
I am actually using a tag like syntax to mark up the tasks I am interested in, by adding the "tags" as a comment. Is there scope for actually adding a tag field, with tag pickers etc?
The ability to tag tasks, milestones, projects etc. would give users the ability to categorise intervals entities in any way they needed and not have to depend on the fixed categories of Worktypes, Modules, etc. If the filtering were updated to allow searching over tags, I think that would be a very powerful extension.
Include Saved Filters on the Home Page
Unless I am missing something (and the chances are high of this), if I save a filter from an advanced search, I can only access that filter from the tasks search page. There seems to be a different set of filters being saved when you save a filter from the Weekly page.
If I could choose to list any of my saved filters somewhere on the Weekly page (my default home page) - the combination of saved filters and tagging would be very powerful.
Just thinking out loud. I can definitely use what's there in the meantime.
Thanks again
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