Is it possible to set a task so that it's recurring? I have several tasks for different clients that have to be completed weekly and it would be a huge help to have this showing up on my calendar and allowing me to have an email reminder.
If it's not possible - is it on the road map for future updates?
True recurring tasks are not on the development plan at this time. This discussion about differences in how people would like to see it implemented is probably worth a look. Although Intervals does not include recurring tasks at this time tasks can be rescheduled or copied to achieve a similar purpose. I have several weekly tasks and when I am done with the current week I change the due date to the following week. It works out fairly well and the main difference on the copy a task versus rescheduling a task is whether or not you want all of the notes and history in one place or with each distinct task.
## Update ##
Recurring tasks are available as a beta feature. More information on how to enable recurring tasks is available here.
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