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Request queue

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    • lhui
    • Feb 7th 2007 edited @ 02/07/2007 10:26 am

    The Request Queu's purpose is for clients (aka executive users) to be able to formally submit work requests. The intent is to help alleviate the "are we talking about this" or "should we be working on this" syndrome. Once a request is submitted, the manager is notified via email and can then create and assign the task. When this is complete, the client will in turn receive an email with the newly assigned task.

    How can I use it?
    -To streamline formal work requests
    -For personal use - If you're on the go and need to start a task but don't have time to log in all of the details, you can add it to your request queue and come back to it later.
    -For interoffice use – If you answer a call for a project that is not your own, you can record your notes in the request queue so the project owner can create a new task.

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