It's been nearly 6 months since I've submitted some feature requests for invoicing. Since I've received no reply, save for the initial confirmation, I'm re-posting them here to see if there is any interest for these changes among other users as well.
I would like to propose some features regarding invoices.
1. An ability to create an invoice (prefilled with work performed) for all the (active) projects of a particular client. We have a couple of clients for which we do regular outsourcing work on multiple projects. We would like to be able to create an invoice for them at the end of each month, containing all the work performed for the client in question in the past month.
2. An option to use estimated instead of actual time in an invoice. The functionality should be exactly the same as it is for the "prefilled with work performed" option right now, with the exception that the quantity is taken from the estimate and not from the timesheets. Ideally, we should be able to choose between actual/estimated time for each row in the invoice. However, if this is too difficult to implement, a per-invoice option would suffice.
3. Custom templates for invoices. A functionality similar to the one at, where an HTML editor is provided for creating a custom invoice layout. Alternatively, we would really need an option to translate all the text on the invoice, at the very least.
All three of these features would be really helpful for us. However, in order for invoices to be useful at all, #3 is absolutely essential. We cannot afford to send out invoices in a foreign language (English).
I hope you will consider the above feature requests, making the Intervals invoicing functionality something we can use in our company.
I've been wishing for ability to invoice all projects across a client for quite some time as well. Currently our work around is to have one project for a client and then use modules as a project. but sometimes a project really needs to be its own Intervals project. this would be a great addition to an already incredible tool.
Creating invoices in bulk per client is currently being contemplated but it is not on the active roadmap at this time. There is the possibility that it might make it onto the roadmap in the future.
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