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An Intervals customer recently asked if there are plans to record the start and end time for each work unit. For accounting purposes, they need to show the actual physical start and start times for each piece of work performed. They are currently using the description field in the "add time" dialogue.
We do not have this requirement at Pelago and only need to track the total amount of time and the day that the work transpired.
I am curious to hear what other Intervals users may need?
In an ideal world would the start and stop time of each work unit be recorded and displayed?
Our previous time tracking did have time in and time out and we liked that. Some benefits of this is you can see obviously wrong in/outs. You can also say exactly when you did something. (for our networking techs this helps us see if we triggered other things etc.) But it is working like it is.
One thing related to this that all our techs would like is to be able to type in what they are doing while the timer is going.
Document on the timer.
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