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    I have been searching long and hard to find a solution that is as powerful and straight forward as intervals appears. Before I purchase though, I would love to know if it is possible to;

    • Create leads/opportunites/marketing campaigns (like in many CRMs)

    • Create a custom integration between intervals and my own LAMP website so that when clients purchases a membership on my website, intervals will automatically create an account for that client

    • If the previous integration is possible, is it possible to have intervals automatically generate and email an invoice to the new customer

    • Have members on my website request support and have that automatically generate a support request in intervals? If so, would that have to be using a public/guest ticket system or could it be more specific (ie, registered client on intervals)

    • Mass email customers

    With any luck this is possible. I understand that if it is, there would be a fair amount of custom api work needed, which wouldn't be a problem...

    Thanks in advance!

    Intervals doesn't really do traditional CRM with leads, opportunities and a funnel like or SugarCRM. You can use a sales project to manage leads, sales templates, etc. but it is not true CRM. It is more like light CRM. Another option is to use the clients section with sales/qualifying projects to track tasks, notes, documentation, etc. Also, Intervals does not have a bulk email mechanism. Everything else above can be done via the email/work request queue and the API. Here is some documentation on the API if you have any interest on exploring that option.

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