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This weekend we will be deploying updates to Intervals. Here is a blog post outlining some of the new features if you would like to take a look. The window to deploy the new features and perform maintenance is between 1:00 PM (Pacific) and 5:00 PM (Pacific) this Saturday, April 24th | (8:00 PM - 12:00 AM (GMT). We do not expect any down time during this window but we do expect performance to be a little spotty.
I love the search, but it's still lacking... I'd like to be able to find tasks to enter time as if I was typing a web address into Firefox, or searching for a friend in Facebook. An AJAX-driven search box and some on-the-fly regular expressions would be awesome.
So for example, I type in "php strayer", and it lists tasks as I type, matching what I type somewhere in the client, project, and task name. The task I'm looking for is "PHP Programming", under a project called "Virtual Commencement", under a client named "Strayer University". By typing in "php strayer", I would be able to instantly find what I'm looking for. I click on it, and it brings up that task. Even better, the task comes up with an "add time" link on the right - I click on that to directly add time to that task.
A step in the right direction; keep going guys! =)
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