I sometimes take a retainer, and then apply hours used to that retainer. How do I set that up so that the client doesn't get double billed.
For simplicity's sake, let's say it's a project for $1000 = 10 hours at $100 an hour. I want to:
1. Bill the client $1000. (free form invoice?)
2. Track my hours. (set up as billable?)
3. When hours are used, send the client an hours reconciliation. (Just a report?)
4. Send another bill.
Suggestions on how to properly setup? I ask because I set this up wrong in QuickBooks, and ended up getting all confused. Thanks for your help.
On the Pelago side of our business we do a healthy amount of prepay maintenance similar to how you work. We offer pricing discounts on our hourly rate based on how much the client purchases up front. The more they buy the bigger the discount. This helps generate cash flow and the client gets a break on the hourly rate. Here is an example of our maintenance contract if you are interested.
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