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Hello: I've just signed up for the 30 day Intervals trial. So far, seems like a wonderful fit! There's one thing I'm missing though:
Is there a way to create multiple contacts for one client? Or create sub clients (divisions within a larger company for example)?
I'd like the ability to create a "hierarchy" where I can associate a project with a specific contact or division within a company. Potentially even run reports to see what contact/ division within a company has given the most business, etc... At a minimum though, it's fairly important for me to be able to list multiple contacts under a client. Is this available?
Great product! Thanks!
Currently, there is not a way to create multiple contacts for one client. However, we do have that on our roadmap for later this year. Please feel free to read about it on our roadmap forum post and weigh in with your comments and ideas:
Multiple client contacts with Intervals project management software
Although we didn't have a "hierarchy" in mind, we'll consider layering that in at the project level when we launch this feature.
Thanks for your ideas!
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