We recently received the following feature request:
A job profit and loss. The ability to produce a budget for hourly production is great. It would be good to be able to budget for the expenses. Then we could combine the estimated vs actual to include the expenses, estimated vs actual and there is the P+L
JReeve -
This would be useful to us, but not as useful as some of the other planned enhancements. iCal integration and recurring tasks are two that would be more useful to us, for instance. The other thing that is not on your roadmap that would be 100x more useful to us is being able to see planned v. actual level of effort, since that's how we really determine whether a project has been brought in under cost. Intervals works well for T&M project, but not for flat bid projects (95% of our business)
I will look forward to when you have an enhanced system that will allow such comparative votes to be cast.
my apologies john -
I meant to say estimated v. actual progress towards completion. For instance, we estimated that a project would take 100 hours and now, at the 80 hour mark, we are 95% complete - or at the 80 hour mark we are only 50% complete.
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