We have a few clients who we do basic website maintenance for. It could be a total of 2 or 3 hours a month. I would still like to track this amount for each specific client but it seems a waste to have to have a separate active projects for each. Is there any way to handle this without each client having their own active 'maintenance' project?
It really depends on how you want to handle the reporting side of things. We have projects setup for all of our smaller maintenance contracts to keep it nice and separated. If you don't mind them lumped together you could set them under under one project. Modules can be used per site if you want to at least be able to report per site via a module. We have a client with multiple sites we do maintenance for and we have setup each site as a module. It tends to work OK because the billing is still tied back to one client, but it could get complicated if multiple clients were in the mix.
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