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For new users, like myself, it would be very helpful to either have a discussion or better yet a video demo of how someone users intervals. For instance, do you open a project, then create ALL the task you think you'll need for that project...or do you open the first task, complete that - close it, then open the next task, etc.?
I'm sure we'll figure things out...but a nice video of intervals in use...or a description (case study) of how to use it in certain scenarios would be helpful to us newbies.
Along these lines, a few more examples of effective Modules and Work Types would be very helpful. My business is somewhat related to software development, but the default Modules and Work Types don't quite fit and I've had a little trouble getting comfortable in creating my own. In passing, I noticed that some of your new instruction videos displayed more fleshed out Modules (presumably what you are using internally)... this helped a bit but some more examples would be quite welcome, for those of us who need just a little more hand holding. :)
P.S. the video format is great for initial training, but for actually setting things up just some lists posted here in the forum would probably be the easiest reference to go back and forth from.
Thanks for the feedback. We could definitely do more detailed video examples instead of just hi level. We will definitely keep that in mind.
Here is a separate post on modules that may be helpful in the short-term:
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