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Coming from Basecamp, this is perhaps the biggest hole in our current process as we contemplate the move into Intervals.
Right now, we ask clients to create To-Dos for us and assign to the appropriate person. I like that in Intervals they submit a request and the project manager takes it from there. Very nice.
However, there isn't a place for non-task driven communication. Sure, they can leave a note, but the note seems to stand alone. No one can comment on it.
In Basecamp, we discourage using email, and instead use Messages or comments on ToDos to communicate information. Having the conversation right in the software has the benefit of putting it all in one place for everyone to have access to, even if they weren't initially in on the conversation.
I'd be interested to hear how you guys manage your client communication. Is it all just email? Or all by task submission? If you have plans for more advanced features with notes like comments or choosing who to notify, that'd be great to know too.
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