Case Studies

Micromanaging Time, not People, in Software Development



Intervals helps me to think differently. I'm focused and organized, and I can forecast projects much better than before. My workflow is more regimented, more organized.

Forest is a creator, a thinker, a doer — and a very busy one at that. He's dreaming up new software, developing it, and managing several projects for Nitorix, his software development business.

Why Intervals?

The key to success for Forest is time management. He runs a growing business and Intervals is helping him gain clarity and insight into his daily time usage. Intervals also helps him micromanage his work, and less time managing people.

“I was using Basecamp, which does not have time tracking. It was fine for what it did, but I needed time management. I evaluated several different time management systems before I found Intervals. It had the time management functionality I wanted, so I went for it. Intervals is a lot more comprehensive than the others, and its time tracking is a lot more advanced.”

Micromanaging Software Development Time with Intervals

After using Intervals for just a few months, Forest started paying more attention to his workflows — the little but oh-so-important things that can make a huge difference in your business.

“I realized I almost always underestimated the amount of time that a project would take.”

Armed with this knowledge, Forest can now micromanage his work. He tracks how much real time he spends on each project and each task, and uses that knowledge to estimate future software development work.

Project and task histories also help him pinpoint problems and foresee possible challenges before they come up. The biggest benefit for Forest has been the finely detailed structure of his projects — where he can break down the work into smaller tasks and then estimate and track each one.

Like many small businesses, Forest's is growing and expanding in scope and vision, and Intervals growing with him.

I love the flexibility — Intervals is so intuitive and easy to use, and I can juggle multiple projects at the same time. There's just nothing else I need.

Intervals Helps Software Developers:

  • Create more accurate estimates when building new features
  • Gain valuable insight into each project
  • Optimize workflows to reduce time spent managing people
  • Run detailed reports on daily time usage
  • Get teams organized and collaborating in one place
  • Track history on projects and tasks
The reporting features are very powerful and easy to use. The simple interface allows our resources to spend less time on time entry and more time on actual work. Similarly, the reports have significantly reduced the time required to generate invoices. Thanks for building such a good application.
Daniel P. MorseDPM Technologies Inc.

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