How Time Blocking Makes Time Tracking Easier

John Reeve | September 13th, 2024

Photograph of a weekly planner with a pen resting on it

Whether you are a consultant working from home, part of a team working in an office, or somewhere in between, tracking your time has several benefits

Before you start tracking your time, however, you’ll need to implement some effective time management practices to ensure you are getting the most out of your work day. Time blocking is a simple and highly effective time management methodology for getting work done. 

What is Time Blocking?

Time blocking is a time management technique where you allocate specific blocks of time in your day to particular tasks or activities. Instead of working from a to-do list, you divide your day into distinct sections, each dedicated to a particular activity or task.

For example, your mornings might have two hours allocated to working on tasks that require copywriting. And, your afternoon might have blocks of time allocated to working on designing a new web site. The time blocking method helps ensure focused work on specific tasks without constant context-switching. This results in increased productivity and better use of your time.

How Does Time Blocking Work?

Time blocking can help improve focus, reduce procrastination and distractions, and ensure that you have time for both work-related tasks and personal activities. Here’s a quick breakdown of how time blocking works:

  1. Identify Tasks:
    List all the tasks or activities you need to complete while also making note of the due date and overall importance of each.

  2. Prioritize:
    Decide which tasks are most important or urgent. Tasks with a higher priority or closer due date should be higher on your list.

  3. Allocate Time:
    Assign specific time blocks in your schedule and group tasks into them based on the type of work they require. For example, you might block off 9 AM to 11 AM for writing content, 11:30 AM to 12:30 PM for responding to emails, and 1:30 PM to 3:30 PM for designing a new web site. 

  4. Follow Your Schedule:
    Stick to the time blocks as much as possible. During each block, focus only on the designated task and avoid distractions.

What are the Benefits of Time Blocking?

Improved Focus and Fewer Distractions

Time blocking helps you concentrate on one task at a time by minimizing distractions and context-switching. By dedicating specific time slots to relevant activities, you reduce the mental load of deciding what to work on next. The result is deeper focus and greater productivity.

Better Time Management and Organization

Time is a limited and precious resource. Time blocking allows you to visualize your day and allocate time more effectively. It helps prevent overcommitment and ensures that important tasks receive the attention and effort they deserve. By structuring your day into time blocks, you are more likely to stay on track and meet deadlines.

Reduced Stress and Improved Work-Life Balance

Knowing exactly when you’ll tackle each task can reduce anxiety about unfinished work and create a clearer boundary between work and personal time. Time blocking also allows you to set aside time for self-care, leisure, or family activities, promoting a healthier work-life balance.

How Does Time Blocking Make Time Tracking Easy?

By using time blocking, you create a natural framework for time tracking, making it easier to monitor how you spend your time. And once you know where your time is going, it’s easier to adjust your time blocks accordingly for better productivity and efficiency. Time blocking can help in three specific ways:

Structured Overview of Time Allocation

By dividing your day into specific time blocks dedicated to different tasks, you gain a clear picture of how your time is being spent. This structure makes it easier to see where your time goes, helping you identify patterns, inefficiencies, or time-wasting activities.

Improved Accuracy in Time Estimation

Time blocking encourages you to estimate how long tasks will take and track whether those estimates were accurate. Over time, this practice can help you become more realistic about how much time you need for different types of work, leading to better planning and more accurate time tracking.

Detailed Retrospective Analysis

At the end of each day or week, you can review your time blocks to see which tasks were completed as planned and which required more or less time. This data provides insights into your productivity, helps you adjust future time blocks, and ensures you’re spending time on high-priority tasks.

How Do I Get Started With Time Blocking?

Here are some resources that will help you incorporate time blocking and time tracking into your workday.

Time Blocking 101: A Step-by-Step Guide (Todoist)

This Time Blocking Guide from Todoist gives a step-by-step guide to getting started with time blocking, including how to create your time blocks, prioritize tasks, and adjust your schedule for flexibility.

The Time-Block Planner: A Daily Method for Deep Work in a Distracted World

The Time-Block Planner website by Cal Newport includes podcasts, newsletters, and a book, created to help you focus on accomplishing more deep and thoughtful work.  

Using Time Blocking to Keep Your Days Stress-Free

This stress management article by Sherri Gordon will teach you how to say goodbye to procrastination and multitasking by walking through using time blocking step by step.

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