The Benefits of Task Management Software for Teams

John Reeve | September 30th, 2015 | , , ,

Task management software for teams

Effective and efficient teamwork is a crucial skill necessary for any creative agency wanting to deliver client projects on time and under budget. Fortunately, there is an abundance of tools available online that can help.

One of the most effective tools for managing creative projects is team task management software. Not to be confused with personal task management apps, this type of software is designed specifically to enable multiple people to collaborate and communicate through one portal.

Here are just a few of the benefits gained by adopting task management software designed for teams.

Breaking down a project

Projects are easier to manage after they’ve been broken down into smaller tasks. Divide the project up into tasks and delegate them to your team based on each person’s skill set. Better yet, let the team self organize and assign themselves the tasks they feel best suited to get the project completed. Let the software assist the team in tracking and managing the details.

Features that facilitate collaboration: multiple people per task, task comments, and milestones.

Organizing the team

Don’t let the project become scattered. Document all of the post-its, whiteboard sessions, spreadsheets, and any other supplementary information, then upload it to the one place it can be easily accessed by anyone anywhere. When all of the information is in one place, teams can collaborate and communicate much more efficiently.

Features that make information more accessible: document uploads, project notes, and filterable task listings.

Going remote

Working remote is now the norm. Teams are accustomed to using video conferencing, real-time messaging, and task management software to interact with one another across multiple time zones. The software will become your virtual office, resulting in your remote team becoming more accessible and flexible.

Features that enable remote teams: time zone settings, email integration, and calendars.

Analyzing efforts

One positive side effect of using creative project management software is the amount of useful data that accumulates during each project. Want to analyze your team’s performance? Run a report. Software with powerful and flexible reporting will analyze your data and reveal areas that need improvement. This continuous feedback loop can help a willing team become even more effective and efficient.

Features that quantify teamwork: reporting, data export, and an API.

Where to start

Wondering where to start? Take a look at our project tracking software, Intervals. We offer a free and fully functional 30 day trial. No credit card is required to get started. Signup today to give Intervals a try.

Photo credit: Matthias Ripp

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John Reeve
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John Reeve

John is a co-founder, web designer and developer at Pelago. His blog posts are inspired by everyday encounters with designers, developers, creatives and small businesses in general. John is an avid reader and road cyclist.
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