Tag Archives: time tracking

3 Not So Obvious Benefits of Time Tracking


When it comes to time tracking most of the benefits are universally understood. To put it simply, time tracking is one of the best tools for keeping a project on schedule and under budget while also getting paid on time. However, there are some other lesser known, but equally important, reasons to consider. Here are […]

The Dos and Don’ts of Time Tracking


Time is a non-renewable resource, a finite pool from which we draw our mindfulness, creativity, and rest. It is the most valuable resource we have at our fingertips, however, time is often misused or overlooked. If we want to manage our time better and make better business decisions, we must first learn where our time […]

5 Helpful Weekly Timesheet Visualizations


The weekly timesheet is the most drab, over-templatized productivity tool that’s ever been utilized in the history of the business world. We’ve tried to keep it fresh by reincarnating it every few generations — from paper timesheets, Excel spreadsheets, and desktop widgets, to its latest incarnation as online time tracking software. Despite weekly timesheets being […]

How to Make Timesheets Less Painful


No matter how you spin it, time tracking is not fun. If there were a survey, filling out a weekly timesheet would be easily make it in the top ten list of least enjoyable work responsibilities. However, weekly timesheets are also a must for any business that bills hourly or has to keep a record […]

Better Estimating Through Time Tracking


Estimating a project before it’s begun is difficult, but, it’s also necessary for communicating expectations to the client and delivering a successful project in the end. Whether you are billing time and materials, flat fee, or monthly subscription, creating an accurate estimate beforehand will lay the groundwork for the project’s timeline, budget, and profitability. Fortunately, […]

The Pros and Cons of Tracking Time with Spreadsheets


We’ve been tracking our time one way or another for the last 21 years. Since our company’s inception we’ve tried paper timesheets, spreadsheets, open source software, and web-based software. Of all the different methods we’ve tried, tracking time with spreadsheets was the most time consuming, but also the most versatile method, which may explain why […]

New Feature: Set the Character Limit for Time Entry Descriptions


We’ve recently launched several new improvements to round out our time tracking and task management features. In this post we highlight the new character limit setting for time entry descriptions. Previously, the description field on time entries had a hard limit of 255 characters. Many of our customers have contacted us requesting to have this […]

3 Reasons Why Your Projects Are Going Over Budget


Delivering a client project on time and under budget is not easy. It requires careful planning before the project even begins, and, a near-obsessive attention to detail as the project progresses. Managing a project can truly feel like a circus juggling act as you try to reconcile the needs of the client with their budget […]