Tag Archives: time tracking

The Pros and Cons of Tracking Time with Paper Timesheets


When we first started our web design and development agency in 2000, we relied solely on paper timesheets to track our billable time. Today, paper timesheets can still provide a simple and low-tech way of tracking time, but they also have their own set of advantages and disadvantages. Here are some of the pros and cons […]

Using Time Tracking to Validate Your Fixed Pricing Model


For more than a decade, we’ve consulted with countless small agencies to help them validate their fixed pricing models. The primary question they are asking is, “how much profit, if any, are we making on our fixed price contracts?” To answer that question, we help them configure and deploy time tracking software, integrating it as […]

How Small Creative Agencies Benefit From Time Tracking


We recently consulted with a small creative agency that was struggling with communication and collaboration after having transitioned to remote work. Their team dynamic had thrived on being a small group of highly talented individuals working in the same space. Working remote was proving to be more disruptive than anyone had anticipated. To help regain […]

Five Ways Consultants can Benefit from Time Tracking


No two consultants are alike. Every consultant brings with them a unique perspective and background, based on years, sometimes decades, of experience. One thing all consultants do have in common, however, is they must be good  at managing their time.  Most consultants employ time tracking software for this reason — so they can manage their […]

3 Time Tracking Methods for Consultants


Consultants operate in every industry that requires any modicum of expertise — which is all of them. Each consultant brings with them a unique brand of expertise that is as varying as the field they represent. However, one thing all consultants have in common is they are all selling the same thing — their time. […]

How To Track Time Spent on Tasks


Time tracking is an important part of the project management process. How it’s implemented, however, varies from company to company. My 16 year plus experience designing and developing time tracking software has only reinforced my original theory. The more thorough your setup, the more your team will benefit. The greatest benefits of tracking time spent […]

The Five Most Essential Time Tracking Software Features


When looking for time tracking software you may be wondering what features will be the most beneficial to you. Unless you’ve already been using time tracking software, it’s hard to know for sure. There are so many different software options to choose from that researching and testing them all is typically an overwhelming and exhausting […]

How Your Remote Work Can Benefit From Time Tracking


More people are working from home than at any other time in history. For many it’s their first experience ever working remotely. The transition from a workplace office to a home office requires adopting new habits to stay balanced and productive. Whether you are a freelancer or part of a team, getting paid hourly or […]