Tag Archives: time tracking

Unconventional Uses for Intervals


Although Intervals was developed primarily for time tracking and task management for web development, design, IT, and PR firms, we’ve noticed people using it in clever and creative ways. There are businesses who use Intervals to comply with various industry regulations — because it tracks time, task, and project histories so well — such as […]

Lightweight Project Management


From the very start, before any code was written, we decided Intervals would be a chance for us to refine our philosophy of lightweight project management; time and task tracking coupled with reporting and invoicing. We’d done the heavy lifting in the past, using microsoft project, wallpapering our office with Gantt charts, allocating resources; it […]

Bulk reminder to submit overdue timesheets


Timesheets really aren’t traditional timesheets with the way Intervals handles time tracking. When I hear timesheet I immediately think of a punching in and punching out. Timesheets in Intervals are akin to a weekly view of your time. When we first tinkered with the variety of ways to track time we learned that tracking time […]

Time Management Tips from about.com


Susan Ward wrote this article on 11 Time Management Tips. Most of us feel maxed out and spread thin these days. I decided to review what she has to say and do a personal assessment on what is working and what is not working in “Managing the chaos”. Susan’s 11 points and how I rate […]

Time tracking improvements and more


We’re excited to announce that our improved time entry experience is going live this evening! What’s new? No more pop-up windows Smoother and more intuitive user experience Enhanced performance Other updates include: Fixed bug where task filter would forget saved settings Enhanced task and project note search functionality – now more powerful than ever More […]

Weekly Intervals Improvements are live


One of the many compelling things about software as a service is the ability to fix and upgrade the product at regular intervals. There aren’t millions of installations floating out there to upgrade. We update our code and servers and the improvements go marching on. This week we fixed several small, yet important items. Sometimes […]