Tag Archives: time tracking

Time Tracking on Paper


Time tracking is a common dilemma for most small businesses that bill hourly for their time, or who need to account for employee time. One popular solution is to track time on paper timesheets. While this practice certainly does get people to track their time, it doesn’t do much more than that. At Pelago, we […]

Visualizing Tracked Time and Estimating Forward


When we track our time accurately and efficiently, we establish a wealth of data for analyzing past efforts and estimating forward. But we need a way to visualize this data to gain any insight from it. Tracking our time in a web-based project management application like Intervals gives us a distinct advantage in this area. […]

Tracking Time with Multiple Web-based Timers


In a previous post, I concluded that working on fewer projects per day is ideal. On most days, this idealistic goal isn’t much of a reality. The workday is full of interruptions. We built multiple timers into Intervals because we need — as do many other small businesses like us — a way to account […]

Time Tracking with Modules


One of the more advanced and abstract features of Intervals is it’s ability to group time into modules. These can be thought of as buckets, or classifications, of time. They make more sense when addressed from the perspective of a project manager, who needs to track a project in terms of phases, or break a […]

Visualizing Workflow with Intervals Timesheets


One of the great benefits to a weekly timesheet is that it offers a quantitative perspective of where your time is going. The timesheet helps you visualize how much time you are spending each day on each project, so you can identify which projects are using up too little, or too much, of your time. […]

Unconventional Uses for Intervals


Although Intervals was developed primarily for time tracking and task management for web development, design, IT, and PR firms, we’ve noticed people using it in clever and creative ways. There are businesses who use Intervals to comply with various industry regulations — because it tracks time, task, and project histories so well — such as […]

Lightweight Project Management


From the very start, before any code was written, we decided Intervals would be a chance for us to refine our philosophy of lightweight project management; time and task tracking coupled with reporting and invoicing. We’d done the heavy lifting in the past, using microsoft project, wallpapering our office with Gantt charts, allocating resources; it […]