Tag Archives: time tracking

Intervals Compared to Other Web-based Time Tracking Tools


Check out the review at listio to see how Intervals stacks up against other online time tracking apps. “Well suited for heavier users, Intervals has included tools to run reports, manage client lists, tasks, projects and people. It is laid out in a simple but pleasing interface with tabs of the various functions” Comparing Time […]

Project Management & Subcontractor Time Tracking


In the beginning there was just a few of us at Pelago, and a bunch of subcontractors. We were very much aware of the project management challenges related to running a distributed team. Specifically, how do we get our subcontractors to properly track their time, so we can turn around and accurately bill our clients? […]

Managing Project Delays when it’s the Clients Fault


Regardless of how well you plan a project, or how well you think you know your client, you will most likely run into project delays. Learn to effectively communicate with your clients & notify them of project delays. Often times, the delay is caused by the client. They might take longer than expected approving a design […]

How to Accurately Estimate a Web Design Project


Whether you flat-bid or bill hourly, the ability to accurately estimate web design projects is crucial for delivering within budget and avoiding client disappointments. While completing over 300 projects for more than 100 clients at Pelago, we’ve spent the last nine years honing our estimating skills into an art form. Follow these four steps to […]

Where apples and oranges meet


Coming up with a good tagline is no easy feat. One formula I have seen in abundance lately is “where x and y meet” which is a creative way to say your offering is a convergence of the previously unassociated. If we were to take this route with Intervals, our tagline would be “where time […]

Lessons Learned from 9 Years as a Web Development Agency


This month, Pelago celebrates its ninth year of life as a web development agency. In those nine years we’ve worked on 339 projects for 105 clients. We’ve built everything from basic brochure web sites to complex data crunching web applications. And we’ve dealt with just about every type of client you can imagine. Here are […]

Three Ways to Track Your Time


I have been a web developer for the last 14 years, ever since discovering SLIP and PPP with my 14.4 BAUD modem. In that time, I have worked with several different time tracking methods. Whether I was working as a freelancer, or as an employee for technology companies and web design agencies, time tracking was […]

Three Reasons to Track Time Against Tasks and Projects


The goal of a hosted project management service, like Intervals, is to improve the day-to-day workflow of a small business. A freelancer or creative group will start their search for an online application by evaluating several of them and choosing the one that best complements their already established workflow. But what happens when a creative […]