Tag Archives: time tracking

Planning, Tracking and Managing Agile Web Development Sprints using Scrum and Intervals


Agile, Scrum and the Web Design and Development Industry The Web development industry, along with the software development world as a whole, is undergoing a significant transition in project management styles. The traditional waterfall methods — where projects are strictly confined to outdated specs and constantly over budget — are being replaced with methodologies collectively known […]

Better Sprint Planning through Time Tracking


Time tracking is something we’ve always done at our Web design and development agency, Pelago. When we transitioned into a SaaS company five years ago, with our flagship online software Intervals, the time tracking practices followed with us. Agile development just came naturally to us, and our time tracking habits dovetailed with our rendition of […]

Time Tracking Lessons Learned


Our flagship product, Intervals, is coming up quickly on it’s sixth anniversary. Before the first line of code was ever written, we had already been tracking time for six years as a Web design and development agency. So we knew a little bit about the dos and don’ts, and how to make it easier for […]

Adventures in Analog Time Tracking


Before there was such a thing as online time tracking software, I was already obsessed with tracking my time. I’d worked in creative agencies, web design agencies, web development shops, software development companies, and even dabbled in IT. Regardless of my role at each job, I wanted to know how much time I was working, […]

Tracking the Untracked with Online Time Tracking Software


Most of us using online time tracking software are already tracking the important stuff, like client work and internal projects. But there are plenty of other miscellaneous tasks we perform day-to-day that we don’t think to track, because they aren’t billable or directly related to any current projects. When we take the time to track […]

Three Time Tracking Myths Debunked


When it comes to time tracking, small businesses and freelancers alike either love it or hate it. On the love side are those who’ve embraced time tracking in a way that benefits their business, clients, and empowers individual team members. On the hate side, some track their time because they are required to, while others […]