Tag Archives: time tracking

Ten Interesting Facts You May Not Know About Intervals


Tens of thousands of companies use Intervals to manage their day-to-day responsibilities. The unique blend of time tracking, task management, and comprehensive reporting make Intervals an idea solution for companies needing reliable project management software. Whether you are one of the companies using Intervals, or just thinking about taking Intervals out for a test drive, […]

Two Minute Introduction to Intervals


This two minute introduction to Intervals focuses on time tracking, task management, and comprehensive reporting. Watch the video to find out how better project management tools can help your business. Two Minute Intro Running time: 2:01

Analyzing Time Tracking Data When Making Business Decisions


The Intervals team is headquartered in Santa Barbara, California, a small city with an unusually large tech presence. It’s hard to walk a few blocks without running into someone we’ve worked with in the past, be it a tech partner, mentor, or a web site design and development client. I recently bumped into a past […]

Time Tracking Isn’t Just for Hourly Billing


I’ve had many conversations about the pros and cons of time tracking with several different web design agencies, creative agencies, and IT services companies — and their corporate in-house counterparts. One of the most common questions that comes up is, “why would we track our time if we aren’t billing hourly?” It’s a valid question. […]