Tag Archives: Small Business

Small Business or Micro Business?


There is a lot of talk about small business in the news today, especially in light of the unpredictable economy, but did you know a small business is defined as having anywhere between 20 and 100 employees? That doesn’t sound very small to us. We prefer to refer to ourselves and many of our customers […]

What Saturday morning cartoons taught me about small business


Memories of Saturday morning cartoons are the strongholds of nostalgia and pop culture for us children of the 80s. Sure, they were thinly veiled, half hour long commercials, but they also gave us at least thirty seconds of life lessons per episode. Now that I’m all growned up, I find that many of those lessons […]

Successful niche firms will help economy rebound


The ongoing successes of small businesses is being overshadowed by the media’s heavy focus on the failings of corporate giants. The latest news about this economy doesn’t seem to bode well for anyone. However, there is a resurgence going on in small business circles. The Editor of the Pacific Business Times has outlined five reasons […]

2009 is going to be a good year for creative small businesses


According to a survey of 209 creative service firms posted over at functionfox.com, 2009 is expected to be a good year for creative small businesses. It is rumoured that small businesses in general are poised to perform well in this new year, despite the failings of corporate giants. Small businesses tend to be more agile […]