Tag Archives: Small Business

Five Ways That Time Tracking Can Reduce Business Anxiety


Most everyone who runs or works at a small business has experienced some degree of business-related anxiety. But what, exactly, is business anxiety? And how can time tracking help alleviate it? Business anxiety refers to the stress, worry, or unease arising from the pressures and uncertainties of running or contributing to a business. It can […]

Buying Web-based Project Management Software


The adoption rate of web-based project management software among small businesses has been steadily increasing the last few years. Businesses are embracing the software’s ability to connect remote teams and reduce IT budgets. In light of this trend, the folks at SoftwareAdvice.com, an online project management technology consultancy, have put together a buyers report based on their […]

Time Tracking Isn’t Just for Hourly Billing


I’ve had many conversations about the pros and cons of time tracking with several different web design agencies, creative agencies, and IT services companies — and their corporate in-house counterparts. One of the most common questions that comes up is, “why would we track our time if we aren’t billing hourly?” It’s a valid question. […]

Time Management Activities and Results for Small Businesses


I recently read an interview with entrepreneur Chris Wanstrath of GitHub who quoted Cameron Moll saying “I don’t believe in work-life balance. I believe in priorities.” We should be focusing, instead, on priorities. After all, there are aspects of work that are just as enjoyable as those in life, and there are times in our […]

Growing a Profitable Small Business


The creative and influential minds over at 37signals have begun a new “profitable and proud” series to highlight small tech businesses that have $1M+ in revenues, didn’t take VC, and are profitable. It’s a brilliant idea and a great way to share success stories other than their own. Any small business, whether they are just […]

Unsexy and Profitable Businesses ~ More Observations From SXSWi


“We can’t all be heroes because somebody has to sit on the curb and clap as they go by.” — Will Rogers For every Twitter, Facebook, and every other Geolocation-Enhanced-Social-Network online, there are hundreds, if not thousands, of inconspicuous small businesses churning along at a profitable pace. They’re not attractive to mainstream media who seem […]

Reducing Energy Consumption as a Small Business


We recently moved our Pelago office to some new digs. As we prepared for the move we challenged ourselves to think of ways we could reduce our energy consumption in our new space. We were able to make quite a few improvements to our office environment, resulting in less energy usage. Some of these updates […]