Tag Archives: scope

3 Reasons Why Your Projects Are Going Over Budget


Delivering a client project on time and under budget is not easy. It requires careful planning before the project even begins, and, a near-obsessive attention to detail as the project progresses. Managing a project can truly feel like a circus juggling act as you try to reconcile the needs of the client with their budget […]

When Projects Go Over Budget: The Usual Suspects


Projects can and will go over budget. In my many years of running a web design and development agency I learned that no project is bulletproof, that even our best laid plans can go astray. And when the project did go over budget, it was typically the result of poor planning and a lack of […]

Putting the project before the scope


Conventional wisdom dictates that any web design & development project should start out with a detailed scope of work, especially when flat bidding a project. This scope document is a road map, a guide dictating what stays in and what gets jettisoned in order to keep the project under budget and on time. That would […]