Using Online Time Tracking Software to Calculate Profitability


Throughout the world, creative agencies are the bulwarks of creative services — providing clients with traditional graphic design, cutting-edge Web design, advanced Web development, and innovative marketing, to name a few. As diverse as our creative offerings may be, creative agencies are quite similar in how we handle our contracts and billings. Regardless of how […]

Online Time Tracking Software is not a Silver Bullet


I have had the opportunity to speak one-on-one with several customers who use Intervals for their online time tracking. And each one has shared a similar story. Online time tracking software is great. It’s awesome. But it’s not a silver bullet. Many of our customers have a similar experience when they first start using Intervals. […]

Time Tracking Isn’t Just for Hourly Billing


I’ve had many conversations about the pros and cons of time tracking with several different web design agencies, creative agencies, and IT services companies — and their corporate in-house counterparts. One of the most common questions that comes up is, “why would we track our time if we aren’t billing hourly?” It’s a valid question. […]

Better Sprint Planning through Time Tracking


Time tracking is something we’ve always done at our Web design and development agency, Pelago. When we transitioned into a SaaS company five years ago, with our flagship online software Intervals, the time tracking practices followed with us. Agile development just came naturally to us, and our time tracking habits dovetailed with our rendition of […]

Time Tracking Lessons Learned


Our flagship product, Intervals, is coming up quickly on it’s sixth anniversary. Before the first line of code was ever written, we had already been tracking time for six years as a Web design and development agency. So we knew a little bit about the dos and don’ts, and how to make it easier for […]

Adventures in Analog Time Tracking


Before there was such a thing as online time tracking software, I was already obsessed with tracking my time. I’d worked in creative agencies, web design agencies, web development shops, software development companies, and even dabbled in IT. Regardless of my role at each job, I wanted to know how much time I was working, […]