What does a web designer know about project management?


Good question. It seems that in my inevitable evolution, which I began as a web designer, has morphed me into a project manager. I’m not talking about the resource planning, gantt chart wielding PMs that push year-long projects through numerous teams containing numerous people. I’ve become more of the small team coordinating, online tool using […]

Web Design & the Influence of Metrics


The recent Illustration Annual 49 from Communication Arts has an interesting artice titled “Analyze This, Web design in the age of numbers.” Unfortunately, you won’t find it online, so pull out your copy of CA if you have it. The author ponders the relationship between the abstracts of design theory and the quantifiable influence of […]

Three ways to simplify your small business


When you stop to consider the amount of responsibilities required to run a small business the conclusions can be overwhelming. It turns out the only thing ‘small’ in a small business is the number of people. That means fewer people wearing many different hats handling a larger set of tasks. Diversity is a requirement, not […]

Monitoring Maintenance Contracts in Intervals


A recent thread in the Sitepoint.com forums asks “How Do You Handle Website Maintenance After You’ve Created the Site?” At Pelago we use maintenance contracts to handle undefined chunks of time; when the client knows they need to retain our services for whatever maintenance issues may arise. Once a client has signed up for Pelago’s […]

Task Pong, Rally’s On!


When we designed the initial architecture for Intervals, we were influenced by our experience with traditional ticket tracking systems (also known as bug trackers). We felt that their focus on getting things done, or fixed, made them ideal for us as web developers; because to get things done, someone needs to own the task and […]

Stringing along programs and APIs?


The idea of a mashable web, a woven strand of APIs, is a good one, and we’ve seen a lot of great projects as a result. But how well does this idea translate to running a business? Is it effective to run your business using several different applications that require several different logins? What is […]

Invoice with Intervals – Press Release


New invoicing functionality helps businesses attain yet another level of productivity (CSRwire) SANTA BARBARA, CA – October 3, 2007 – Pelago announced today an important upgrade to Intervals, its web-based time and task management system. Intervals has added invoicing capability to further streamline the workflow and accounting processes of small businesses, particularly those engaged in […]