Revisiting Web Design Decisions Behind the Intervals Mobile App


The Intervals Mobile UI launched 7 months ago. In that time we’ve been collecting feedback from our customers and using it quite a bit ourselves. We’ve also been busy architecting the next few features, which will include more client, project and milestone management. When we originally launched the mobile UI, we wrote about what it […]

Technographic Profile of an Online Project Management Application


Ever wonder what type of technology is used by a web-based project management application’s customers? What browsers do they prefer? What operating systems are favored? Where in the world they are coming from? We’ve got some of those numbers to share with you, based on our own online project management software Intervals. We’ve crunched Intervals’ […]

Open Source Project Management Software Review


We are, and always have been, big fans of open source software. In our daily workflow at Pelago we use various open source technologies; PHP, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Linux, Apache, Subversion, and many others. We primarily use these open source technologies in developing Intervals, our online time, task and project management software, and in designing and […]

Task Management Software Review


Check out the LaTeX for Humans review of Intervals on their blog. Looks like the author has found Intervals useful for many things, including managing a PhD! I have tried a lot of different packages that do a lot of different things – from Basecamp to Open Workbench, from Manymoon to Zen. But at the […]

Periscope Report


UPDATE: The Periscope report has been overhauled and renamed as the Gantt Chart. Here is our blog post introducing this new feature: Announcing the Intervals Gantt Chart   Intervals has focused most of its features on tracking time, task and project data for making informed decisions on how to best plan and manage upcoming projects. […]

The Neverending Project


Project delays are one of the most common pitfalls that can keep even the best project managers, web designers and web developers from launching a web site online. Delays can come in all shapes and sizes but they have one thing in common. They can run any project into the ground and keep designers and […]

Surviving on the Tribal Knowledge of the Few


I’ve been corresponding with an acquaintance through LinkedIn, discussing how a small creative business should adopt a process to manage a growing development team and an ever-increasing amount of work. When a creative group grows exponentially in size and complexity of work in a small amount of time, the need for a formal process and […]

Project Management Process for Web Designers & Developers


Often times when we talk about Intervals we tell the story of how it was created by a group of like-minded creatives as web-based project management software for web designers and developers, as well other types of small businesses. What makes Intervals unique is that it was built by Pelago, a team of web designers, […]