When to add features with Hosted Software


Hosted software has so many benefits that this post is not intended to defend Software as a Service, but rather discuss our process for adding features. One of the amazing yet very tricky things about hosted software is growing and evolving the software without making it bloatware or getting pulled into overly customizing it. Once […]

Weekly Intervals Improvements are live


One of the many compelling things about software as a service is the ability to fix and upgrade the product at regular intervals. There aren’t millions of installations floating out there to upgrade. We update our code and servers and the improvements go marching on. This week we fixed several small, yet important items. Sometimes […]

myintervals.com replaces intervals101.com


Today we launched the new and improved myintervals.com to replace intervals101.com.  After talking to our current customers and supporters the feedback was that intervals101.com was too academic sounding. We presented a list of new potential domain names to our inner circle and the inner circle overwhelming liked myintervals.com.  It’s my business, my information, my time […]

Intervals Launch Covered by Santa Barbara Newspress


Santa Barbara Newspress – Filing Cabinet June 13, 2006 8:03 AM Local Web development company Pelago has launched a new Web-based service it dubbed Intervals, which continues the trend of “software as a service” — moving applications off your computer and onto the Web (where other people worry about the technical stuff and update the […]

Intervals as a compliance tool


It turns out that if you have strong compliance requirements, marrying Intervals with Subversion is a powerful combination. We have a client that must track not only every change that is made on their site, but also when those changes are pushed live. Considering that we work on the site, one of their internal developers, […]

Six Practical Use Cases for Project Labels


The act of juggling several projects at once can quickly overwhelm any team. Once the work is broken down into tasks, delegated out, and set in motion, it’s all too easy to get lost in the details. Teams need to regularly get above the fray to gauge overall project health. But even then, how does […]

New Case Study: Clark Land Design


We recently reached out to our customers to find out how they are using Intervals to run their small business. For this case study, we feature a landscape architectural and land use planning agency that exemplifies how Intervals can be used effectively for both tracking time and billing clients. Clark Land Design has taken our […]