So, you’ve built a web-based app… now what?


In this era of the lightweight framework, fresh-launched hosted services are popping up every other day. In the small business spectrum are countless variants of time tracking, task tackling, project managing online apps aimed at increasing our productivity. It is exciting to see so many ideas being executed in this vast and wide open market. […]

Comparing Intervals to other Web-based Project Management Services


In the realm of web-based services, there are a lot of options being thrown at consumers. Mixed in with all this noise are buzzy catchphrases like “Getting Things Done,” “Web 2.0,” “Social Networking,” and “Project Management.” It can be overwhelming for anyone looking for the right fit for their small business. There are several good […]

Intervals for Legal Professionals


We originally built Intervals for buinesses like Pelago — web development shops, design firms, IT companies, and other creatives who bill hourly for their services. And we continue to develop Intervals for these markets because we have an intimate understanding of them. The beauty of web-based services, especially one like Intervals that handles time tracking […]

The 80-20 Rule and Client Drama


The 80-20 Rule, AKA the Pareto Principle, states that “for many events, 80% of the effects come from 20% of the causes.” This can be observed in any volunteer organization, for example, a church, where 20% of the people do 80% of the work. In our eight-plus years of doing web development at Pelago, we […]

Beyond Basecamp, the Summit


Basecamp has dominated the realm of online project management, or has it? Basecamp invented a methodology for getting things done, hijacked the phrase ‘project management’, and unleashed their simplified solution onto the web. This was a brilliant move because there was a large population of people with basic needs. And there still are. However, it […]

Preparing for what’s Ahead


There is so much buzz about a pending recession that we have to ask: what are we doing to prepare ourselves for it? Whether or not it happens, small business owners and entrepreneurs should be thinking ahead and coming up with a plan on how they will get through it. We believe that small businesses […]

Pricing Design Services


Here are some tips for web designers from Steve Snell on Factors to Consider When Pricing Design Services. The points he makes are consistent with the experiences Pelago has had as a small web development shop. However, there are a few other things to consider. When considering how much time it will take (factor #1) […]

We shall not cease from exploration


The era of the lightweight framework has permanently altered the state of the web. Development shops, like our own Pelago, are finding it increasingly easier and faster to turn ideas into web-based services for the benefit of themselves and others. It seems like anyone and everyone has built something, from widely adopted and practical productivity […]