Why You Should NOT Use Project Management Software


It seems like every aspect of a running small business has been built into an online tool. A small business owner, or freelancer, can perform just about any business function — tracking time, billing clients, managing projects, etc. — with hosted tools. In the realm of web-based project management tools there are probably more than […]

Managing Project Delays when it’s the Clients Fault


Regardless of how well you plan a project, or how well you think you know your client, you will most likely run into project delays. Learn to effectively communicate with your clients & notify them of project delays. Often times, the delay is caused by the client. They might take longer than expected approving a design […]

Thanks for Making Intervals a Great Project Management Service


We just want to take another moment of our time to thank all of you for using Intervals for your project management needs. Your dedication and feedback have been invaluable to our continued development. We hope you will continue the journey alongside us as we work toward making Intervals the best web-based time tracking and […]

Project Limits and Document Storage Increased


We’ve been listening to your suggestions, and engaging some of you in conversation, to find ways we can evolve Intervals into the best web-based time tracking and task management service for small business. Our primary focus has been the ongoing implementation of feature requests (see our recent road map for more information). However, we have […]

Project Management Using Google Chrome & Intervals


For those wondering how Intervals, our web-based time tracking and task management tool, is performing in Google Chrome, the answer is “Beautifully.” But that is no suprise given that Intervals has been thoroughly tested using the Safari web browser. Here are some screenshots: Task Management The Intervals task listing is useful for creating tasks, tracking […]

What to bill when billing hourly


When starting up a new freelancing gig or small business, billing hourly for your services is a good way to keep your workload and cash flow consistent. To get started, you’ll need a few steady clients and a good time tracking system. Once you’ve set out running, the next thing to figure out is what […]

Where apples and oranges meet


Coming up with a good tagline is no easy feat. One formula I have seen in abundance lately is “where x and y meet” which is a creative way to say your offering is a convergence of the previously unassociated. If we were to take this route with Intervals, our tagline would be “where time […]

Lessons Learned from 9 Years as a Web Development Agency


This month, Pelago celebrates its ninth year of life as a web development agency. In those nine years we’ve worked on 339 projects for 105 clients. We’ve built everything from basic brochure web sites to complex data crunching web applications. And we’ve dealt with just about every type of client you can imagine. Here are […]