We manage too many projects, so you don’t have to


One of the unique qualities of Intervals, our web-based project management tool, is that we are far more involved in it than your typical software company. At Pelago, we built Intervals out of a need to utilize better workflow management before realizing it could be useful to other creatives and developers. And we continue to […]

The Low End Theory of Project Management


The web 2.0 sub-sphere of online project management tools is evolving. Small businesses are discovering the “simple” approach to project management is not enough for getting things done in the context of their reality. While they aren’t looking for anything complex, they are definitely seeking out more comprehensive alternatives to the overly hyped simple tools. […]

Successful niche firms will help economy rebound


The ongoing successes of small businesses is being overshadowed by the media’s heavy focus on the failings of corporate giants. The latest news about this economy doesn’t seem to bode well for anyone. However, there is a resurgence going on in small business circles. The Editor of the Pacific Business Times has outlined five reasons […]

Task management & project management are not the same thing


Project management can mean many things to many people. Just take a look at how many hosted project management tools there are to choose from. Small business workflow has been interpreted differently with each online app, but the underlying concepts of project management are usually left intact. Getting projects started, completed, and delivered to the […]

Let Someone Else Manage The Distractions


It is an unavoidable fact that anyone working for a small business, or freelancing, will be required to wear multiple hats. You will be responsible for many aspects of the day-to-day workflow outside your own core competency. When a business is comprised solely of a small team or individual, things like time tracking, task management, […]

Show your support for Intervals with a new footer badge


Want to show your support for Intervals on your web site? Use this badge graphic in the footer of your web site to show that you use Intervals for managing your project management, time tracking, and task management workflow. Just right-click on the image to the right to save it, or simply add the following […]

Project management is all about…


Most project managers — and many web designers and developers stuck doing project management — will tell you that communication is the most important aspect of their job. And while that is very true, there are other components of project management that have been ignored. The over-simplification of some online project management tools can leave […]