Tilting at silos


The web-based project management software landscape can be described as a scattering of silos, oversimplified online tools that focus on one component of project management — time tracking, task management, invoicing. While holing up inside one of these apps may work well for some small businesses, many are finding them inadequate for their needs. Or […]

The difference between a bicycle and a car


I am a cyclist at heart. I ride everywhere I can. Work. Meetings. Coffee shop. Farmers market. But there are limits to my pedal-powered circumference, times when I have to jump in the family car and motor to my destination. The multitude of online time tracking, task management, and project management software tools are of […]

Project management using Twitter?


As I’ve been tweeting my way throughout the twittersphere I’ve intersected a few tweets posted by publicly perusable ponderers wondering what a mashup of twitter and project management tools might look like. For the most part, the assumption is that Twitter would somehow be the central part of this newfangled application. While I do believe […]

Why would anyone build another project management app?


Looking for project management software to help run your small business? Take your pick. There are too many of them to count. So why would anyone build another online project management app? There are a lot of good reasons, and not all of them are unique to Intervals. When we first started building Intervals, there […]

Seven Different Ways to Name a Company


Each day brings with it another round of fresh online apps built to alleviate our small business and freelancer woes. Many of them are solid contributions and will find a hungry marketplace. Others will fizzle after the initial flurry of tweets praising them as the latest and greatest reinvention of X. Aside from what these […]

Too big for the silo, too small for the enterprise


Finding the right web-based tool for your business is not an easy task. Often times it requires researching several different hosted offerings in the SaaS realm. Finding a good fit is especially difficult if you find your small business growing and are worried about outgrowing an online project management software. Once you’ve found the application […]

International Project Management


When we began adding internationalization (I18N) support for Intervals, we didn’t really have much experience working with international locales to draw upon. We could, however, see the writing on the wall: Intervals was getting more international customers day by day, and we knew they weren’t all working with US dollars. For Intervals to become a […]