Introducing FreshBooks Integration for Invoices


We’re happy to announce that Intervals now integrates with FreshBooks, enabling you to copy an invoice to your FreshBooks account. Create advanced invoices containing detailed time tracking data and easily copy invoices over to FreshBooks to avoid double entry. To get started, click to view an invoice and then click the FreshBooks icon in the upper right corner. […]

How to Make Your Agency Recession Proof


Recessions come and recessions go. They are a very natural part of a healthy economy and business cycle — a cleansing of sorts or a reset on industries and values. If you look at it historically they occur on average about every 5-8 years and they last between 8-18 months. In fact, the average duration of the last 11 […]

Sneak Peek of the Visual Dashboard for Projects


One of Intervals’ core strengths has always been reporting. Intervals has an abundance of visual graphs and charts sprinkled throughout the software. For example, the project dashboard can be referenced to see how a project is progressing. And there are several reports for visualizing time tracking data. More recently, however, customers have been asking for something […]

Adopting Online Project Management Software in 2016


Small businesses are continuing the upward trend of adopting online project management software into their workflow. The challenge is to sift through the myriad of online offerings to find the right software that provides the right blend of features — everything from task management and time tracking to resource allocation and reporting. Not sure what features […]

Intervals Winter Update


Our latest updates include the Resource Allocation report, Task Snapshot report, multi-day calendar notes, and Kanban Board. Plus, we want to share how your support has made possible our partnership with the Santa Barbara Bicycle Coalition and 1% For The Planet. We’ve also made several speed improvements. Read on to find out more… The Resource […]

Resource Allocation Report Launched


The Intervals team has launched the final updates to the project management Resource Allocation Report. Since its initial beta launch, we’ve spent several weeks testing the report with our customers. These recent updates reflect the most commonly requested improvements. This new report is has been one of the most requested features for our project management software. […]

Project Management Software for Web Designers


Online project management software comes in many different flavors. Finding the right project management software can be overwhelming. With so many to choose from, how can you be sure you’ve found the best fit for your agency? You can’t. But, you can make the selection process easier. Focus on the features first We’ve interviewed customers and asked […]

Collecting SaaS Customer Metrics in Web-based Software


Just last week, NASA’s New Horizons spacecraft made it’s much anticipated and already historic flyby of Pluto. Many of us have already gazed in awe at the dramatic photos being sent back from the spacecraft. The images we’ve seen are only a fraction of the data scientists have received. In fact, scientists have received only 5% […]