Time Tracking: Quantity vs. Quality


There are plenty of online time tracking tools to help small businesses keep a better record of billable time. It’s as simple as starting a timer and letting it run while you get things done. When the job is completed, apply the time. Run a few reports, generate an invoice, and collect your money. Then […]

Subtractive Time Tracking With Multiple Timers


One of our customers recently clued us in on a unique time tracking method they devised using multiple timers and simple arithmetic. The challenge they faced was finding out how much time they weren’t tracking. Most of us do take breaks or get distracted throughout our workday, but we don’t track that time. Here is […]

Intervals Compared to Other Web-based Time Tracking Tools


Check out the review at listio to see how Intervals stacks up against other online time tracking apps. “Well suited for heavier users, Intervals has included tools to run reports, manage client lists, tasks, projects and people. It is laid out in a simple but pleasing interface with tabs of the various functions” Comparing Time […]

Project Management & Subcontractor Time Tracking


In the beginning there was just a few of us at Pelago, and a bunch of subcontractors. We were very much aware of the project management challenges related to running a distributed team. Specifically, how do we get our subcontractors to properly track their time, so we can turn around and accurately bill our clients? […]

Time Tracking Tip: Rounding Up Timers


Estimating and tracking time is a learned discipline that does not come easy to most, including ourselves. One practice we found useful was to implement a ’round up’ feature in Intervals, to round up our timers to the nearest one-eighth (.125) of an hour. Why one-eighth? Because it’s a nice, neat number and is usually […]

Time Tracking on Paper


Time tracking is a common dilemma for most small businesses that bill hourly for their time, or who need to account for employee time. One popular solution is to track time on paper timesheets. While this practice certainly does get people to track their time, it doesn’t do much more than that. At Pelago, we […]

Time Tracking with Modules


One of the more advanced and abstract features of Intervals is it’s ability to group time into modules. These can be thought of as buckets, or classifications, of time. They make more sense when addressed from the perspective of a project manager, who needs to track a project in terms of phases, or break a […]