Emogrifier – Convert HTML & CSS into Gmail Friendly Emails


While working on the “email this page” feature in Intervals we needed to find a way to merge HTML & CSS files into a Frankenstein-like document that gmail would honor. Quick back story — gmail doesn’t play nice with conventionally defined CSS. We came up with the Emogrifier, a PHP utility we are adding to […]

Using Negative Space when Designing for the Web


I once worked as a graphic designer for a small marketing group that would place ads for golf clubs in the backs of various magazines. These ads were typical of what you would see in the back of a magazine — volumes of text and photos crammed into the 8.5 x 11 confines of the […]

Writing Code: Elegance vs. Performance


The era of the lightweight framework is in full swing and has enabled developers to quickly execute everything from our most random inklings to more advanced and complex ideas. We can have an application up and running in minutes. We’ve implemented the Model-View-Controller framework into our web site development projects, including Intervals, our web-based time […]

What’s next for Intervals? – Intervals Roadmap Update


A few weeks back we sent out an email to all current Intervals account owners letting them about some upcoming features. The contents of that email are below. Task Flexibility Estimated launch: Next Few Weeks We are starting the process of making tasks less rigid to accommodate different types of work flows. End date is […]

Tips From a Developer on Managing a Small Development Team


Last week our project manager took off to OSCON in Portland, leaving me, the lead developer, in charge of managing our small development team. Facing a gauntlet of client requests, developer questions, and miscellaneous tasks that fall somewhere in between, I had to adapt quickly and learn how to manage a development team if I […]

Web Design & the Influence of Metrics


The recent Illustration Annual 49 from Communication Arts has an interesting artice titled “Analyze This, Web design in the age of numbers.” Unfortunately, you won’t find it online, so pull out your copy of CA if you have it. The author ponders the relationship between the abstracts of design theory and the quantifiable influence of […]

Feature Preview: Milestones


Intervals customers will soon be able to group tasks into a milestone and assign it an owner and a deadline. The home page will be transformed into a calendar view — a scheduling dashboard — tying together tasks starting, tasks ending, milestones, and weekly time tracked. The calendar view will allow customers to quickly reorganize […]

Blogworthy #5


Some linkapation from the Pelago bit squad: We love Denon, but $500 for an ethernet cable? Glued To His Seat 17 Reasons Why Bicycles Are the Most Popular Vehicle in the World Today 3,800-Piece Death Star Diorama Is Coolest Star Wars Lego Ever FireFox Time Track Addon In celebration of Braden driving his first Syncro […]