We manage too many projects, so you don’t have to


One of the unique qualities of Intervals, our web-based project management tool, is that we are far more involved in it than your typical software company. At Pelago, we built Intervals out of a need to utilize better workflow management before realizing it could be useful to other creatives and developers. And we continue to […]

The Best and the Worst Jobs


The Wall Street Journal reviews a study completed by careercast.com on the best and worst jobs in the article Doing the Math to Find the Good Jobs. The article lists the best and worst jobs of 200 jobs that were studied, based on the following criteria: The findings were compiled by Les Krantz, author of […]

The Low End Theory of Project Management


The web 2.0 sub-sphere of online project management tools is evolving. Small businesses are discovering the “simple” approach to project management is not enough for getting things done in the context of their reality. While they aren’t looking for anything complex, they are definitely seeking out more comprehensive alternatives to the overly hyped simple tools. […]

Intervals Improvements, Features and a Happy New Year


It’s hard to believe 2008 has come to a close. We’ve been so busy cranking out improvements and new features we didn’t notice the time (though I can assure you, we did track it). Here we are, just a few days after the New Year, with an update on what’s new in Intervals. Milestones The […]

Successful niche firms will help economy rebound


The ongoing successes of small businesses is being overshadowed by the media’s heavy focus on the failings of corporate giants. The latest news about this economy doesn’t seem to bode well for anyone. However, there is a resurgence going on in small business circles. The Editor of the Pacific Business Times has outlined five reasons […]

2009 is going to be a good year for creative small businesses


According to a survey of 209 creative service firms posted over at functionfox.com, 2009 is expected to be a good year for creative small businesses. It is rumoured that small businesses in general are poised to perform well in this new year, despite the failings of corporate giants. Small businesses tend to be more agile […]

Y2K9 Bug?


Looks like the end of 2008 is causing a few problems out there in the online world. Now dubbed the Y2K9 bug, applications and devices are experiencing everything from minor hiccups to complete failures. Here are a few cases we’ve noticed: Microsoft Zune Players failing: Gizmodo: 30GB Zunes Failing Everywhere, All At Once Taking the […]

Managing Projects & Getting Things Done, at the Same Time


Most online task management tools available today are great for helping the task-oriented individual or small business get things done. Once we’ve settled on one that matches our personality and worfklow style, we set about entering tasks and managing them. Intervals is very much like other hosted task management apps in this regard. The primary […]