Too big for the silo, too small for the enterprise


Finding the right web-based tool for your business is not an easy task. Often times it requires researching several different hosted offerings in the SaaS realm. Finding a good fit is especially difficult if you find your small business growing and are worried about outgrowing an online project management software. Once you’ve found the application […]

What is Project Management 2.0?


There is so much discussion about Web 2.0, Software-as-a-Service, and Social Networks, that it must leave people wondering… What exactly is Project Management 2.0? The term is subject to wide interpretation, but here is how we’ve defined project management 2.0, and how Intervals fits into this definition. Asynchronous User InterfaceTranslation: Fewer page loads and a […]

International Project Management


When we began adding internationalization (I18N) support for Intervals, we didn’t really have much experience working with international locales to draw upon. We could, however, see the writing on the wall: Intervals was getting more international customers day by day, and we knew they weren’t all working with US dollars. For Intervals to become a […]

Tips on Managing Freelancers


It is the nature of any small business that it must fluctuate in size to meet the demands of seasonally larger projects. Freelancers are a great way to ramp up productivity without committing to long term employees. However, some freelancers can be difficult to manage. Here are some tips on getting the most out of […]

Project Shrink and the Future of Project Management Software


Bas de Baar, who discusses Project Management in a global, mobile, virtual and multi-cultural world, was gracious enough to publish some of our thoughts on the future of project management software. The article has been published at his Project Shrink Web site. Read the article Click here to read the article and find out our […]

Prioritize Your Workload Using Milestones


We recently launched a milestones feature for Intervals, our hosted project management software. The addition of milestones is intended to make the task management process an easier one, especially in the small business environment where the number of current tasks can become overwhelming. Here are some practical tips on how to prioritize your workload using […]

What Saturday morning cartoons taught me about small business


Memories of Saturday morning cartoons are the strongholds of nostalgia and pop culture for us children of the 80s. Sure, they were thinly veiled, half hour long commercials, but they also gave us at least thirty seconds of life lessons per episode. Now that I’m all growned up, I find that many of those lessons […]

Should web designers and developers bill time spent in meetings?


Absolutely, and i’ll tell you why: Meetings are a usage of your time. If you are not billing them for that meeting, than you aren’t billing anyone for that time. Too many meetings and you start losing money. Meetings will almost always require some transfer of knowledge from you to the client. We’ve never been […]