How to Market in a Recession


From Harvard Business Publishing comes the thoughts of John Quelch on how to market in a recession. While there are several great points in the article, a few of them are specifically applicable to Software-as-a-Service. For example, our web-based project management software, Intervals, has grown significantly by focusing on the following items from the article: […]

Small Business or Micro Business?


There is a lot of talk about small business in the news today, especially in light of the unpredictable economy, but did you know a small business is defined as having anywhere between 20 and 100 employees? That doesn’t sound very small to us. We prefer to refer to ourselves and many of our customers […]

Fuel Use Conversion Chart


An interesting perspective on how much fuel we consume depending on our mode of transportation. Provides some good visuals on why telecommuting is a good idea, especially considering the availability of web-based applications available online today. So take a look at the chart below and ask yourself “How can I consume less fuel?” Click on […]

Why would anyone build another project management app?


Looking for project management software to help run your small business? Take your pick. There are too many of them to count. So why would anyone build another online project management app? There are a lot of good reasons, and not all of them are unique to Intervals. When we first started building Intervals, there […]

When do you invoice a client?


There are many different ways to invoice a client when taking on a creative project. We’ve tried several different methods ourselves, all depending on individual client situations and how comfortable we felt with each client. Below are some examples of different methods illustrating how to invoice clients, and the pros and cons of each. Invoicing before […]

Seven Different Ways to Name a Company


Each day brings with it another round of fresh online apps built to alleviate our small business and freelancer woes. Many of them are solid contributions and will find a hungry marketplace. Others will fizzle after the initial flurry of tweets praising them as the latest and greatest reinvention of X. Aside from what these […]

Social Aspects of Group Time Tracking & Task Management


One of the first questions people may wonder when they first log in to Intervals is “Why can I see everyone else’s tasks and timesheets?” The ability to do project management online brings with it also the opportunity to rethink how we manage our day-to-day small business workflow. In developing Intervals, we decided to open […]

Steal this web design & development maintenance contract


In the nine years we’ve been doing web design & development at Pelago, we’ve encountered just about every type of client you can imagine. But at the end of each project, it’s always the same story. How do we get paid? To start with, we’ve divided our contracts into two categories; specified development contracts and […]