Hosted project management software and web design: Why we do both


It is becoming more common now for service companies, like our own Pelago, to launch a web-based product built from their business experience. In our case we built Intervals, hosted project management software for service companies — web designers, graphic designers, marketers, PR firms, IT companies, and anyone else who bills by the hour. Why […]

Project Management Web Application Security


We get a few emails here and there asking us how secure we’ve made Intervals, and if the prospective customer should have any concerns. It is an understandable concern, especially when a company is considering using a web-based app to host their data. We usually respond with the typical answer — the Intervals application and […]

Should you bill hourly for project management?


We think so, and we do so. Here are some points to ponder while considering whether or not you should be billing hourly for project management. Project management hours typically account for 5% to 20% of a projects total hours That is a lot of time to be giving away for free. And when you […]

How to choose the right project management software


The IT Project Management Blog has posted some great tips on how to evaluate and choose the right project management software. Tip #4 is especially important: Set your goals – do not expect to do everything better and to include any improvement during the first phase (or the initial implementation cycle). Prioritize to get faster […]

Free Web Design Icons


Over the last nine years of doing web design & development at Pelago I’ve developed an icon file that I use for things like edit buttons, delete buttons, etc. They are tiny icons designed to match the height of smaller type. Here they are below. Please feel free to download this file and use these […]

Weekly Timesheets vs. Daily Timers


There are two popular ways to track time online. The more traditional approach is to fill out a weekly timesheet. The more recent and more popular approach is to track time using timers, applying your recorded time on a daily basis. Both methods have their pros and cons, but when it comes to our own […]

Web design beginnings… Pencil or Computer?


Although most of the web design & development process occurs in the digital realm, there are many of us designers who give birth to our creations not with a tethered mouse but with an old fashioned pencil. Either approach can result in good design, but my preference has always been the pencil. I love my […]

Your app sucks and it’s all your fault


I am an iPhone newbie. I just got it last week. So the first thing I did was sift through the app store in search of cool apps I could install. I instantly zeroed in on the Public Radio Tuner, an iPhone app that “features hundreds of public radio streams available for free!” I was […]