Web design business mistakes: Using the right web-based tools


Part 5 in a 5 part series Get online with easy-to-use, comprehensive project management software—and use it! Whether it’s off-the-shelf project management software, an affordable hosted solution such as our software, Intervals, or your own internal system, every web design and development company (including freelancers) benefits greatly from good project management software. Not only does […]

API Authentication Methodologies


Building an API? In the midst of building an API for Intervals, our web-based project management software, we researched several options for authentication. In case you are considering building your own API, we’ve published an overview of each method below. HTTP Basic Authentication. Similar implementations: Basecamp (http://developer.37signals.com/basecamp/), blogger (deprecated) (http://code.blogger.com/archives/atom-docs.html#authentication) Requests are authenticated in the […]

Tilting at silos


The web-based project management software landscape can be described as a scattering of silos, oversimplified online tools that focus on one component of project management — time tracking, task management, invoicing. While holing up inside one of these apps may work well for some small businesses, many are finding them inadequate for their needs. Or […]

Pragmatic web project planning from Sam Barnes


Sam Barnes has posted a great article differentiating corporate project management needs from those of a smaller web design or development agency, while also revealing how much the two perspectives have in common. If you are struggling with managing web projects, read this article. Meanwhile, consider these wise words when dismissing the importance of planning […]

The difference between a bicycle and a car


I am a cyclist at heart. I ride everywhere I can. Work. Meetings. Coffee shop. Farmers market. But there are limits to my pedal-powered circumference, times when I have to jump in the family car and motor to my destination. The multitude of online time tracking, task management, and project management software tools are of […]

Web design business mistakes: establishing internal policies


Part 2 in a 5 part series Establish internal policies and procedures. After you and your client sign the contract, be sure to keep it handy. Refer to the contract to manage your internal team, even if it’s a team of one. This will help maintain a professional relationship with your client. In our experience, […]