Task Management Software Review


Check out the LaTeX for Humans review of Intervals on their blog. Looks like the author has found Intervals useful for many things, including managing a PhD! I have tried a lot of different packages that do a lot of different things – from Basecamp to Open Workbench, from Manymoon to Zen. But at the […]

Compare Browser Type CSS Options


I admit it. I’m a typophile. Addicted to descenders and x-heights, I could stare at the lower-case ‘g’ (the one with the closed descender) forever trying to inherit the genius of the early typographers who gave us Garamond and it’s brethren. Exploring type on the web isn’t as limitless as it’s analog counterpart, but there […]

Three Reasons Why Not To Sign Non Disclosure Agreements


In the nine-plus years that Pelago has been designing and developing web sites and web-based applications, we’ve been asked more than once to sign a Non Disclosure Agreement (NDA) before putting together an estimate. Whether they are trying to protect a business process or an idea, the client usually has a genuine concern for keeping […]

Why Evolution is Better than Revolution


“In art there are only fast or slow developments. Essentially it is a matter of evolution, not revolution.” — Béla Bartók The landscape of web-based time tracking, task management, and project management tools has become a little noisy. It seems that each month another company is throwing their app into the fray and hoping for […]

A New Collaborative Web Site for Project Management Questions


A new web site for helping people find answers to project management questions has recently launched over at AskAboutProjects. The site does a great job of allowing the community to participate without being overwhelmed by the big words and acronyms that usually go hand-in-hand with project management discussions. Go on over and participate. It would […]