Reviewing Invoices with the Project Landscape Report


The project landscape report is ideal for getting a high level overview of multiple projects all in one snapshot. There are five tabs available on this report: Basics, Time, Budget & Invoices, Tasks, and Milestones. For this post we’ll be focusing on the Budget & Invoices tab, specifically, the columns related to invoices. Historically, the […]

Five Ways Consultants can Benefit from Time Tracking


No two consultants are alike. Every consultant brings with them a unique perspective and background, based on years, sometimes decades, of experience. One thing all consultants do have in common, however, is they must be good  at managing their time.  Most consultants employ time tracking software for this reason — so they can manage their […]

3 Time Tracking Methods for Consultants


Consultants operate in every industry that requires any modicum of expertise — which is all of them. Each consultant brings with them a unique brand of expertise that is as varying as the field they represent. However, one thing all consultants have in common is they are all selling the same thing — their time. […]

Six Tips for Transitioning Your Team to Remote Work


The worst of the pandemic appears to be behind us, however, small businesses and their employees are still adapting to a new normal. They are exploring and experimenting with new ways of working in teams. Part of the process is redefining the role of the office in a remote friendly work environment. Some teams are transitioning […]

Recurring Task Improvements


Since our initial launch of recurring tasks we’ve been receiving great feedback from our customers. In addition to sharing how they’ve been using recurring tasks, customers have also shared some ideas on how we can improve the feature. We’ve been listening and have implemented three of the most common requests. Here’s a brief overview of […]

How To Track Time Spent on Tasks


Time tracking is an important part of the project management process. How it’s implemented, however, varies from company to company. My 16 year plus experience designing and developing time tracking software has only reinforced my original theory. The more thorough your setup, the more your team will benefit. The greatest benefits of tracking time spent […]

Dark Mode Updated and Improved


We’re pleased to announce that we’ve made several updates and improvements to our recently launched dark mode feature. System setting support Most devices now have a setting that will automatically enable dark mode in the evenings, or according to a custom schedule. Intervals can now inherit the device’s setting and enable dark mode according to […]