We F*cked Up ~ Observations from SXSWi


“You need failure more than you need success. Success breeds repetition. Failure breeds change.” Going back through my notes from SXSWi in Austin, Texas, I find myself gravitating back toward a panel called We F*cked Up: Happy Cog and Friends, Exploring Failures, Together, where panelists from Happy Cog Studios, Seer Interactive, Airbag Industries, and Fastspot […]

Looking Back On My First Time @ SXSW


For as long as I’ve been doing web design and development I must confess that this was my first year attending the famed SXSW festival. My cohorts at Pelago are all SXSW veterans and were willing to drag me along as their token noob, so I jumped at the chance to finally go and see […]

Time Tracking is Essential to Agile Development


Time tracking has been a point of contention between developers and managers for as long as I’ve been working in the web design and development industry. That’s sixteen years. I’ve been on both sides of the issue working as both a web developer and as a manager. Tracking your time as a web developer is […]

The Anatomy of a Well Designed Invoice


Now that you’ve drummed up some business as a freelancer, a web design and development shop, or a creative agency, it’s time to start collecting money owed. Using a well designed invoice is the easiest way to bill your clients. If you use an accounting program like QuickBooks or an online project management application like Intervals, […]

Open Source Project Management Software Review


We are, and always have been, big fans of open source software. In our daily workflow at Pelago we use various open source technologies; PHP, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Linux, Apache, Subversion, and many others. We primarily use these open source technologies in developing Intervals, our online time, task and project management software, and in designing and […]

Working Remotely as a Web Designer, Developer or Creative


I recently brought home a new laptop. After getting all of my favorite apps installed and customizing my desktop, it was time to get to work. As a web designer and developer most of the work I do has an online component, making working remotely from home, or the local coffee shop, ideal. That isn’t […]